The implications of Wang's experiments will, of course, arouse fierce debate. The process, known as "tunneling," has been used to make some of the most sensitive electron microscopes. He has shown that in certain circumstances photons-the particles which constitute light-could apparently jump between two points separated by a barrier in what appears to be zero time. Separate experiments carried out by Chiao indicate simultaneous multiple localities. Raymond Chiao, professor of physics at the University of California at Berkeley, who is familiar with Wang's work, said he was impressed by the findings. "The most likely application for this is not in time travel but in speeding up the way signals move through computer circuits," he said.ĭr. He believes, however, that this will not breach the principle of causality because the time taken to interpret the signal would fritter away all the savings. Guenter Nimtz, of Cologne University, recently gave a paper to a conference in Edinburgh describing how information can be sent faster than light. It could prove possible to transmit information faster than light.ĭr.

Physicists at the Italian National Research Council described how they propagated microwaves at 25% above normal light speed. In Italy, another group of physicists has also succeeded in breaking the light speed barrier.

This would breach one of the basic principles in physics-causality, which says that a cause must come before an effect. One of the possibilities is that if light could travel forward in time, it could carry information. One interpretation of the Princeton experiment suggests that light arrived at its destination almost before it has started its journey: In effect, it appeared to be leaping forward in time.
(Barry Setterfield's controversial suggestions that the speed of light is not a constant have been highlighted in our Personal Update journal for many years.) Needless to say, this research is destined to cause continuing controversy among physicists. It could shatter Einstein's Theory of Relativity, since it depends in part on the speed of light being a constant and unbreachable. The implications would appear to be staggering. (Exact details of the findings remain confidential because they have been submitted to the international scientific journal, Nature, for review prior to possible publication.) Wang explains by saying it traveled 300 times faster than the normal velocity of light. In effect it appeared to exist in two places at once, a phenomenon that Dr. Before the pulse had fully entered the chamber, it had gone right through it and traveled an additional 60 feet across the laboratory. Lijun Wang, a pulse of light was transmitted towards a chamber filled with specially treated cesium gas. Particle physicists at the NEC Research Institute at Princeton apparently have indicated that light pulses can be accelerated to up to 300 times their normal velocity of 186,282 miles per second. Some scientists now claim they have broken the ultimate speed barrier: the speed of light.